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Interparfums FY 2022: record earnings as operating profit soars 33 percent

THE WHAT? Interparfums has reported its results for the 2022 fiscal year. The fragrance giant recorded record earnings for the full year with net income up 40 percent on 2021’s figures and sales rising 26 percent to €706.6 million. THE DETAILS The company noted that it had extended its partnership with Montblanc until December 31, 2030 and, subject to the General Meeting’s ratification, hit its goal of achieving gender parity on its board. THE WHY? Philippe Benacin, Chairman and CEO, commented, “Against the backdrop of a turbulent economic and geopolitical environment, our sales and earnings continued to grow in 2022. In 2023, although many uncertainties still exist, this positive momentum should continue with sales expected to reach €750 million, driven by the continuing appeal of our brands for consumers in a global perfume market that remains buoyant.” The post Interparfums FY 2022: record earnings as operating profit soars 33 percent appeared first on Global Cosme

Testimony Service! - "Clouds happen in the sky; but, it is still the sky"

by Akilah Peynado of

I know, I know; but see with me on this one... because SIS has a testimony. I'm gonna tell it!!! Insert *tambourines, foot stomping, and hand clapping* right here. But first:

So as you know we are rocking and rolling in Nikki’s Meditation group and Book club. I can’t believe it as we are almost finished with this ​current book​ and there is a chance Nikki might introduce another book into the group. At this point, any book she picks will be awesome; but, I am really hoping it is something by ​Wayne Dyer​ cause he is my jam too.

I really do not care if I sound like a broken record in saying, “If you have not decided to ​join in you are missing out.” If I said it once, I’ve said it a million times and I mean it even more, get yo’self in the group on Mondays. Even if you can not join every week (because yes life happens) at least give it a try 3 Mondays a month LOL! 

My Whew Moment:

If you have been following my reviews of the group you will notice that I have a “stopped-me-right-in-my-tracks, let-me-let-this-marinate-for-a-little-longer” moment in every session I am graced to be in. Well, this week that moment happened a little earlier than expected. Normally I try to get into the flow and really get into the quiet because meditation IS the business. If you have not tried it yet, do yourself a favor and get with it. However, this time when Nikki said, ​“Clouds happen in the sky; but, it is still the sky and waves happen in the ocean; but it is still the ocean”​, let me tell you, I almost shed a tear because, I think I kind of forgot my “place” over the last two weeks, and your girl was beginning to slip.

Testimony Time:

So, for some reason, I have been feeling stuck, stagnant... ummm hmm...let me see: unlike myself. If I were to give you one direct reason, I couldn’t. I’m talking about just feeling like overall, “blah”. Usually, I am NOT like that. I am the encourager, the strong one, the centered one and I just couldn’t find the Love. I knew love was there. As we have learned, Love is always there waiting patiently, with open arms for us..for me. I could hear Love in the background, saying “I’ll let you have your funk. I’ll give you your moment. I am ready when you are.” I’m not kidding, I could definitely feel that. Even now I am grateful for knowing that I am never alone.

In the group on Monday night, I needed to hear that, although, I am going to experience being rattled, upset, flustered and confused, I am STILL Love, I am still that ocean and I am still that sky. How could I not feel better after that?! Thank you Nikki.

I’ll stop here. I know I didn’t get to touch on the ​book​ chapters that we read and they were beautifully written by Joel Goldsmith. Remember, I do not give all of the goodies here, if you want the whole experience you have to join us. Curious? ​Click here​.

With Love always,

Akilah Peynado is an Intuitive Guide who runs Slaytheclutter where she discusses all things about the practice of Intentional Gratitude, healing through the contemplation of God and living a clutter free life- with love. You can find her on IG: @akilahpeynado and on her website​m.

* This article was originally published here


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