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Interparfums FY 2022: record earnings as operating profit soars 33 percent

THE WHAT? Interparfums has reported its results for the 2022 fiscal year. The fragrance giant recorded record earnings for the full year with net income up 40 percent on 2021’s figures and sales rising 26 percent to €706.6 million. THE DETAILS The company noted that it had extended its partnership with Montblanc until December 31, 2030 and, subject to the General Meeting’s ratification, hit its goal of achieving gender parity on its board. THE WHY? Philippe Benacin, Chairman and CEO, commented, “Against the backdrop of a turbulent economic and geopolitical environment, our sales and earnings continued to grow in 2022. In 2023, although many uncertainties still exist, this positive momentum should continue with sales expected to reach €750 million, driven by the continuing appeal of our brands for consumers in a global perfume market that remains buoyant.” The post Interparfums FY 2022: record earnings as operating profit soars 33 percen...

How to Store Pomegranate Seeds During Peak Season

How to Store Pomegranate Seeds During Peak Season

Although winter means cold temperatures in most parts of the country, desolate green spaces, and mugs of hot chocolate and hot toddies, there is an upside: It’s pomegranate season! When you choose pomegranates in the grocery store, don’t go for the one that is an invigorating deep red hue; instead, choose pomegranates that feel heavy for their size. You’ve selected the perfect pomegranate—one that feels slightly soft to the touch and has squared-off sides, two signs that pomegranates are ripe. Now you may be wondering, how do I store and remove the seeds?

How to Store Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate arils are perishable, plain and simple. These delicate, ruby red gems start to go bad as soon as you crack open a whole pomegranate and remove the seeds. “An unopened pomegranate can last up to one month at room temperature or up to two months in the refrigerator. If you don’t happen to finish all the juicy arils inside upon opening, don’t fret; the arils can be refrigerated in an airtight container for an additional week, ” said Stacey Anker, director of marketing for POM Wonderful.


* This article was originally published here


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